Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Green Hornet tv show episodes-1966-1967.

here are a list of all the episodes from the old Green Hornet -tv series-1966-1967
1.The Silent Gun
2.Give Him Enough Rope
3.The Secret of Sally Bell
4.Bad Bet on a 459
5.Seek Stalk and Destroy
6.Corpse of the Year-parts-1 and 2
7.Ace in The Hole
8.Eat Drink and Be Dead
9.Programmed For Death
10.Hunters and The Hunted
11.Beautiful Dreamer-parts-1 and 2
12.The Preying Mantis
13.The Ray for Killing
14.Freeway To Death
15.Crime Wave
16.Trouble For Prince Charming
17.Alias,The Scarf
18.Hornet Thyself
19.Invasion For Outer Space-parts-1 and2
20.The Hornet and The Firefly.